
Although the mats have changed with time, our dedication to the program you built has not.  We continue to train as each of you did before us with the goal to exceed our own expectations, win championships and forge friendships that will last a life time.  There is no such thing as an Ex-Titan and we value you all as our friends, our family, and our brothers always.

The St. Mary’s wrestling program stands on the shoulders of the Titans who came before us.  Our former wrestlers who forged the traditions that we strive to maintain today.  The current program is the legacy from the dedication of past wrestlers and coaches.  The support that the St. Mary’s Titans Wrestling Program receives from its alumni is invaluable.  Whether it is attending an event, watching a meet, coming to practice or donating – each member of the Titans Wrestling team wishes to thank you for your support.  

We encourage our former wrestlers to stay connected to the program.  We hold annual events so please check the Facebook page often (if you haven’t already joined us on FB we encourage you to do so).

For those alumni who wish to visit the wrestling room, check out the trophy cabinet, take a picture in front of the Wall of Fame, donate any non-cash item (or tax-free cash donations), please contact Coach Yabui at