The Trophy Room

Trophies, Banners, Award Ceremonies and some pretty cool wrestling memorabilia – You can browse it all here and are always welcome to come home and get a picture of yourself in front of the trophy cabinets you helped to fill!


The Titans continue to add to their bounty season after season – take a look here at some of the hardware on display at home and during the 50th Anniversary Event.


Banners are awarded each year at The Far East for Individual and Team Champions.  In 2016, the Titans Wrestling program gave the St. Mary’s gym an “upgrade” when they introduced a series of banners celebrating the team’s legacy wins in major tournaments, individual accomplishments and a special nod to the 2016 Team for their record setting season.  The original banners still grace the practice room each season and we always welcome alumni back to the mats for workouts and pictures.


Since 2013 the Titans Wrestling Program has hosted the annual Awards Banquet at The Tokyo American Club.  We’ve come a long way since the days of holding the event in the school cafeteria.  The event is typically held soon after the Far East Championship and the presentations and awards have grown along with the event.  Take a peak inside the 2019 award presentations, check out the cake from the 2016 record setting year and have a smile checking out some very young faces back in 2013.


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